From Hotel Laundry Services to Waste Management: How to Run an Eco-Friendly Hotel

From Hotel Laundry Services to Waste Management: How to Run an Eco-Friendly Hotel

This guide tells you everything you need to know about running an eco-friendly hotel, from the importance of sustainability to implementable practices.

In an era where climate change and environmental concerns are at the forefront of global discussions, it is essential for the hospitality industry to take proactive steps towards sustainability. This comprehensive guide tells you everything you need to know about running an eco-friendly hotel, from the importance of sustainability to implementable practices.

The importance of sustainability in the hotel industry

With growing concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, hotels have started recognising the importance of adopting sustainable practices. Here are some important benefits of implementing eco-friendly practices in hotels:

Reduced environmental impact

Hotels are known for their significant environmental footprint, consuming vast amounts of energy, water, and producing substantial waste. By prioritising sustainability, hotels can minimise their negative impact on the environment. Implementing energy-efficient technologies, using renewable energy sources, and reducing water consumption can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Additionally, adopting recycling and waste management programs can help hotels divert waste from landfills and promote a circular economy.

Cost effective

While the initial investment towards sustainability practices may seem daunting, hotels can reap significant cost savings in the long run. Energy-efficient measures such as LED lighting, smart thermostats, and energy management systems can significantly reduce utility bills. By installing water-saving fixtures and implementing water conservation strategies, hotels can lower water consumption and save on water bills. Waste reduction and recycling initiatives can also reduce waste management costs and even generate additional revenue through partnerships with recycling companies.

Enhanced guest experience

Sustainability has become a key consideration for many travellers seeking eco-friendly accommodation options. With a growing number of environmentally conscious guests, hotels that prioritise sustainability gain a competitive advantage. By offering green amenities, such as eco-friendly toiletries, recycling bins, and sustainable food options, hotels can attract and retain environmentally conscious guests.

Positive reputation

In today's digital age, hotels are subject to increased scrutiny from guests and online review platforms. Embracing sustainability practices can help hotels build a positive reputation and enhance their brand image. Guests are much more likely to choose hotels with a strong commitment to sustainability, and positive reviews highlighting eco-friendly initiatives can attract more environmentally conscious travellers.

Community engagement

Eco-friendly initiatives often rely on the support of the local community. By engaging with local communities, hotels can contribute to social and economic development. Supporting local businesses, hiring local staff, and investing in community projects can create a positive impact on the local economy. Hotels can also collaborate with local organisations to develop initiatives that benefit the community, such as educational programs on sustainability or conservation efforts.

How to make your hotel more eco-friendly

When it comes to making your hotel more sustainable, there are plenty of things you can do. Here’s some easy ways to promote eco-friendly practices in your hospitality business:

Reduce plastic use

As you’ve probably gathered from your own experiences, hotel rooms are heavily reliant on plastic: shampoo & conditioner bottles, body wash packages, coffees and all the extra amenities. Every day, a staggering 8 million pieces of plastic find their way into our oceans, affecting marine life and causing widespread harm. One way to limit your hotel’s negative impact on the environment is to reduce plastic use and waste. Consider using recyclable and biodegradable packaging that will cause less damage to the environment and aim to use other materials that can be reused from guest to guest reducing unnecessary waste. Another simple way to reduce plastic use is to get rid of single-use shampoo and conditioner amenity bottles.

Recycle properly

Use resources efficiently in your hotel and reduce your environmental impact by recycling the waste that you use. You could recycle glass bottles, jars, cardboard, plastic bottles, food and drink cans, electrical items and more. Consider setting up a recycling scheme within your hotel, simply starting with labels, arranging collections, employee training etc.


If you aim to make recycling a standard procedure in your hotel, your guests will follow. Environmentally friendly travellers will always be willing to be a part of your efforts to change and help the environment.

Change your menu

Providing delicious, organic and healthy cuisine at your hotel should be a key focus. What better way to attract eco-minded travellers and encourage your guests to immerse into your local culture? Sourcing local, organic food locally can reduce your business’ carbon footprint in addition to it having more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, which you can promote to your guests. Perhaps this could encourage visitors to start considering the food they eat as you implement an organic diet during their stay. By offering locally produced, eco-friendly food you’ll be providing the freshest ingredients and with the guarantee of a pollution-free menu.

Conserve water

Water is a precious resource, and hotels can contribute to its conservation by implementing simple yet effective measures:


  • Install low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets in guest rooms and public areas to reduce water consumption without compromising guest comfort.
  • Encourage guests to reuse towels and linens during their stay, rather than requesting fresh ones daily.
  • Implement water-saving practices in hotel operations, such as using efficient laundry systems and monitoring irrigation systems.
  • Collect and reuse rainwater for landscaping and irrigation purposes.
  • Regularly check for leaks and fix them promptly to avoid unnecessary water wastage.

Review your cleaning supplies and equipment

Your cleaning supplies ensure your property meets the high expectations, so why not use supplies that benefit the environment as well as your hotel standards? This is a simple way to create a more environmentally friendly and hygienic property. As people are becoming more aware of the impact harmful substances have on us and the world we live in, this will offer peace of mind to environmentally-conscious guests. Stock your cleaning supplies up with goods that are beneficial to your staff, guests and help your reputation as a leader in the green hospitality movement.

Design a rooftop garden

Green roofs are both energy efficient and visually appealing. Planting a stylish new rooftop garden in an urbanised area benefits your guests, attracts visitors and is totally environmentally friendly. On average, one hotel room per night emits 31.1kg of carbon – even a small rooftop garden can begin to reduce your hotel’s large carbon footprint as well as providing a space for guests to relax, enjoy and perhaps even dine. With the views and atmosphere as a bonus, this would be a great asset to your hotel - you’ll be able to attract eco-conscious travellers and be known for your beautiful rooftop space.

Encourage your guests to help

Encouraging guests to take part in sustainable practices is a great way to promote environmental health. Make recycling bins available to guests, encourage them to reuse linen, request that they unplug appliances and switch lights off when they aren’t in use. Most importantly, ask for feedback and suggestions. Your guests will have plenty of ideas for you to take a hold of and improve your environmental efforts, and all these small changes are what will eventually make big differences.

Invest in linen reuse programmes

Towel and linen programmes can dramatically reduce the impact of hotels on the environment by saving water, emissions of CO2 (from the energy consumed) and the need for the associated waste water treatment and disposal. You’ll also increase the lifespan of these products, meaning your brand can benefit from reduced replacement costs.

Sustainable commercial laundry services at London Linen

Here at London Linen, we are pleased to introduce ‘The Johnsons Way’ – our refreshed strategy which sets out the framework that underpins our approach to sustainability. At Johnson Service Group (JSG) we believe that embedding a best in class sustainability programme throughout our operations will help position us as a leader in responding to the challenges faced by the textile services industry and prove to be a differentiator for our customers.


London Linen have invested in processes, linen ranges and people to ensure our service provision remains unparalleled in the culinary capital of the world. For more information on our fantastic products, please get in touch today.

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